Ashtabula County Children Services Board
Director’s Message 

May, 2024

This May I ask that you please join me in recognizing Foster Care Month! In Ohio there are nearly 15,000 children and youth in foster care; all of which are deserving of a safe and nurturing home. When there are no kinship options available, we turn to foster homes.

In 2023, foster homes across Ohio helped to support the reunification process for over 4,000 children in care. These foster homes provided safety, stability, and comfort to children going through the most difficult time in their life when they need these things most. Foster homes are an invaluable resource to children and families in any community in which they live and Ashtabula County is no exception.

This year’s theme for National Foster Care Month is, “Engaging Youth. Building Supports. Strengthening Opportunities.” For that, I call on anyone that sees this message to get involved in their community and help children and families however possible. We can all make a difference whether it be volunteering with, donating to, or advocating for programs that support children and families in our community. I’d like to thank everyone that has ever stepped up to foster a child in Ashtabula County for their courage and strength to serve children and families in our community. If you know anyone that is a foster parent, please send them a “thank you” and ask if there’s anything you can do to help them support the children in their home.

Ashtabula County is currently in need of more foster families. Having more foster families in the county would help us to keep children in care closer to home to aid with the reunification process, reduce the trauma of removal, and keep children in their school whenever possible. For information about becoming a foster parent, call us at 440-998-1811 and ask to make an inquiry with our Foster Team.


Tania Burnett, MSW, LISW
Executive Director, ACCSB